
Anyone listed here shall not commission me, receive any art, characters or designs that I may create.

V _ C _ Creationz / Vada as of May 2024


Breakage of T.o.S

Vada broke my terms of service multiple times. This individual traced and referenced my art without any proper credit given. I'd allowed them to use my personal art or redlines as a guide to learn. Vada also posted WIP images to their and instagram stories. I have credits however there's no watermark or signature of mine on said WIP's

Behavior/Attacking Me

Vada continuously asked me if any of my posts about my art being traced or someone creating drama were about her and seemed to cling to me and want reassurance 24/7 for 'anxiety'. They proceeded to attack me out of nowhere without reason other than someone told them I was going behind their back. I was shown no proof of this and had to rely on another friend checking out what happened. Vada had little care for how hurt I was and was more worried I go tell others to stop harassing her when no one had. She proceeded to post everything up on her story even after I told her to stop dragging me into public drama. This was met poorly and she accused me of fighting her and kept holding a design I was in the process of creating over my head. All in all, I felt like she was trying to manipulate me to be complacent.

Tracing Art

As stated above, Vada traced my art without credits. However I've found out that she traces ShadowInkWarrior, Sellenin, AonikaArts and possibly others. Most of her reference sheets are from one of these artists and not a drop of credit is given except for one to ShadowInkWarrior. Some art also looks very familiar outside of references however I'm unable to determine where those are from.

fluffyshark2k4/Kessho/Vesper/Tobikoio Kreations as of August 2022


Breakage of T.o.S

During a rough period I was going through, this person was incredibly rude, pushy and demanding about art I owed them, refusing to acknowledge my turn around time and home life challenges.

Payment never received

During this trade, Vesper had sent their side in a server they created on discord. Before I finished their art, they took down the server. Once I sent their art, I was blocked and blacklisted with a beware up on me and didn't receive any art until they messaged my significant other after I blacklisted them.

False Beware and Rumors

Vesper blocked me, bewared and blacklisted me. The beware was not anything to do with our trade and something they had no proof of other than a similar pose, from art I had completed over a year prior. Originally Vesper posted and said I was tracing. After being called out in their comments by many and me proving I did not trace, they changed the story to heavily referencing

Failure to Credit

Vesper deleted a character I designed and created on and replaced my credit's with someone else's due to a redesign. It was still clearly very much the same, including a lot of design elements I had put on the character. It wasn't until I made a beware that the character was edited to have me as a designer.


Vesper is known to stalk people they have a problem with. They stalked me with multiple accounts, even going as far as to try and seek out a mutual friend to feed them information when I found their accounts. Vesper even went as far to try and sway said friend to hate me, as well as many others.
Lying about age - Vesper lied about their age for years, saying they were an adult to gain access to adult spaces and engage in very adult conversations.

Jesster/Mochi_Adri as of August 2022

White Knighting

MochiAdri followed Vesper in attempting to take me down, using their following to attempt to have my name slandered, helping with changing the original story, taking any art pieces I had made and trying to claim as many as they could as heavily referencing other artists. They even went as far as to try and have the artists, that both were claiming I had traced, come to confront me. However the artists didn't see their issue with my art. MochiAdri also said I was suspicious as my style was too inconsistent and I never shared very messy WIPs to them.

Kasterrose/BoarBites as of May 2022

Rude Behavior and Accusations

This person was quite rude after throwing accusations of tracing at me. They wanted me to admit that I was a tracer or they were booting me from servers. They were quite adamant that I admit this and I found it rather rude and unjust that they had decided to throw art and characters at me that just happened to have similar characteristics or the same piece that Vesper and Mochi tried to say was traced, where definite pointers to me being a tracer.